Hrithik Roshan is in Dubai to ring in the New Year with his family and close friends Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar. However, something else that Hrithik has been busy with for the past two days is teaching his kids, Hrehaan and Hridaan, snow boarding at the Mall of the Emirates.
“Hrehaan and Hridaan have been wanting to learn snow boarding for a long time. However, Hrithik has been busy with his films and has not had the time to teach them. So this time, when the entire Roshan clan decided to take a break and celebrate New Year’s Eve in Dubai, Hrithik decided to teach his kids some snow boarding.”
When contacted Hrithik said, “Yup. Starting them off on the challenges of life a little early. They need to fall a bit, get hurt a bit, that’s the only way to grow.”
“Hrehaan and Hridaan have been wanting to learn snow boarding for a long time. However, Hrithik has been busy with his films and has not had the time to teach them. So this time, when the entire Roshan clan decided to take a break and celebrate New Year’s Eve in Dubai, Hrithik decided to teach his kids some snow boarding.”
When contacted Hrithik said, “Yup. Starting them off on the challenges of life a little early. They need to fall a bit, get hurt a bit, that’s the only way to grow.”
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